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Certifications are a unique offering of Minnesota and United States Women of Today Programming. They offer an opportunity to focus on personal growth and be recognized for it. The certifications can be completed once each Women of Today year (May 1- April 30) and are due prior to the Annual Awards convention in May (but can be submitted earlier).   A link to each form is included below -- click on the         symbol for online certification forms or click on the certification name in blue text for pdf form.

USWT Certifications

Step I

STEP I is designed to promote the orientation and activation of the new member. All steps of the program must be completed during the member’s first 120 days (date from when dues are paid). By participating in the required activities, the new member becomes familiar with all levels of the organization.

Step II

STEP II is designed for the member who has been a member for 12 months or less. By participating in this program the member will become activated on all levels of the organization.

Step III

STEP III is designed for the member who has been a member for 1 through 5 years and for any past member in good standing that leaves the organization for any length of time and then rejoins the organization at a later date. This program is for continual activation of those members in all areas of the organization.

Step IV

STEP IV is designed for the member who has been a member for 6 years or more and for any past member in good standing that leaves the organization for any length of time and then rejoins the organization at a later date. This program is for continual activation of those members in all areas of the organization.

Wellness and Personal Development

USWT Wellness & Personal Development is designed to to assist individuals to be aware of their physical, and mental well-being, along with personal growth, careers and citizenship. This form may be completed once each USWT year. To certify, you must complete a minimum of 15 out of the following 30 items, and submit it no later than May 1.

Outstanding Achievement in Programming

This certification honors a member who has certified in all US Women of Today areas (Health and Wellness, Personal Development, and STEP). Additional requirements include participation in the USWT External Programming area, another programming area, and a competition on the State or National level.

MNWT Certifications

Living and Learning

The Living & Learning Certification consists of four areas: self growth, civic growth, spiritual growth, and growth through friends and family. You must complete two requirements in each section plus two additional requirements during each Women of Today year (May 1- April 30).  




Personal Enrichment Program

There are a variety of Personal Enrichment Courses (also known as PEP Courses) offered by the Minnesota Women of Today. A list of PEP Courses can be found on the MNWT website. The courses are self guided manuals or videos/DVDs. 

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